On the Period - Two Cycles of x n + 1 = ( α + βx n + γx n − k ) / ( A + Bx n + Cx n − k )
and Applied Analysis 3 Equation (3) has a unique positive equilibrium given by y = 1 + p − z + √(1 + p − z) 2 + 4r (q + 1) 2 (q + 1) . (19) The linearized equation associated with (3) about the equilibrium is given by
منابع مشابه
Characterization of $delta$-double derivations on rings and algebras
The main purpose of this article is to offer some characterizations of $delta$-double derivations on rings and algebras. To reach this goal, we prove the following theorem:Let $n > 1$ be an integer and let $mathcal{R}$ be an $n!$-torsion free ring with the identity element $1$. Suppose that there exist two additive mappings $d,delta:Rto R$ such that $$d(x^n) =Sigma^n_{j=1} x^{n-j}d(x)x^{j-1}+Si...
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